Hare Krishna Melbourne - Vedic Village

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At the 2025 St Kilda Festival the Melbourne Hare Krishna Movement will again provide everyone with a little “Taste of India” at the Hare Krishna Vegan/Vegetarian Vedic Village at the Catani Gardens.

The Vedic Village will have an array of delicious treats from exotic Indian dishes to some favourite takeaways, such as freshly cooked Pizza, vegetarian burgers and chips.

Other attractions are: The Face Painting and Henna Marquee, the Bhagavad Gita Card reading stall and of course fantastic bhajans and stage entertainment all day, this year again featuring The Global Party People.

There will be FREE WATERMELON for all those that visit the Vedic Village.

Location: Catani Gardens

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Feb 16, 11:00 AM
Four women standing side-by-side dancing in front of a large crowd during an outdoor festival while wearing muti-coloured traditional Indian garmets.
